Thursday, November 6, 2008

lights in the window

Well it's that time of year again and Christmas is just around the corner. It's amazing to see the shelves being wrapped with Santas, stockings, and snowmen and that was before Halloween. I think it's true that Christmas seems to get earlier each year.

With all decorations already hitting the shelves I was especially surprised to see some lights up already.
Seeing the lights reminded me of house I saw last year.

It was a cute house off the main drag and had a beautiful tree in the window along with lite candles that line the windows. I always slowed when I drove by the house. It pulled you into the warmth of Christmas and the holiday cheer.

Time Passes. And then it was May.

But the tree in the window and Christmas lights adorning the house all of sudden didn't look as appealing. But it did cause my mind to wonder.

Why were the lights and tree still up. It was obvious the lights were on a timer. So my mind shifted to occupants of the house. Were they on vacation all winter and spring. Did they just enjoy Christmas that much. Or maybe it was a reminder of something.

Then I began to have worst scenario thoughts.
What if something happened to them and no one knew about it. What if they had no one to live life with. No one to call and check on them if they didn't hear or see them in a while. No one to show that they care and how much they matter in this world. Someone to share in their dreams, celebrations and sorrows.

I can't imagine living like that.

But fortunately those were just my thoughts as far as I know. But it does cause me to stop and think about the relationships that surround my life. I don't know where I would be today without people in my life that who cared enough to show me love and speak truth into my life.

I have learned that for me Life truly is best lived surrounded by friends and loved ones.

Imagine what it would be like if everyone believed and lived like that. If we were all encouraging each other to be the best we can be and then doing whatever we can to help each other achieve our dreams - what an incredible world that would be.

My one hope is that everyone will find caring people to live life with and that no one will be left in a beautiful house decorated carefully with warm holiday cheer and have no one to share it with. Thanks.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

breath taking

I had an incredible experience today!

The first happened while I was outside with the girls. It's not very often in my life that I am in a sense surrounded by silence. There always seems to be crying, TV shows, music, video games, groups of people talking....all of which I have found memories connected with.

However, today seemed to be a little different. At least for the few moments outside. I was out doing all I could to build a support for the table on the awesome play set that my in laws bought the girls for their birthday. I was measuring the length for the board as my wife was playing with our oldest, Emma.

Then everything happened so quickly but its as if I continue to replay the moment in my mind. There was this cool silence, seemingly like that moment before a storm blows through.


Then of what seems like out of nowhere suspended in time flew hundreds of birds moving so swiftly they were gone in the blink of an eye. Now I know what you’re thinking. Birds…

But Have You Ever Heard….
hundreds of birds slicing through their wings through the air leaving only a void in space and a memory behind of what was with a repetitive


My family and I, we all stood in complete and total ... AWE.

Did you hear that?! My wife exclaimed. It was incredible! I thank God for what seems like a normal, happen to stumble upon moment for reminding me of how incredible He is through His creation. I only wish that my words could truly do justice to what we experienced in that moment. It will forever be etched in our minds and hearts.
God I truly stand in AWE of You!